Collaborating with the community
In March 2023, CleanCo invited Ipswich residents to submit an expression of interest to join a community co-design panel.
The aim was to bring together a diverse mix of people with skills, local knowledge and a passion for Ipswich, to develop a draft vision and masterplan for CleanCo's Swanbank clean energy hub.
Panel recruitment was coordinated by third party organisation, Deliberately Engaging, while community engagement specialists, Max Hardy Consulting, were commissioned to manage the co-design process.
Learn more about how CleanCo engaged with the local community to develop the draft vsion and masterplan.
CleanCo established a closed group page to facilitate communication between the panel prior to the first workshop.
An information pack was emailed to panellists, providing comprehensive information about the project.
Panellists could introduce themselves in the closed group forum and ask questions.
The panel came together at Ripley Valley State Secondary College (RVSSC) for a full day workshop on 27 May 2023. The workshop covered:
- an introduction to the project team and expert advisors
- learning about the context of the project, including CleanCo, State Government and Ipswich City Council priorities
- understanding the negotiables and non-negotiables
- a site tour led by experts from CleanCo
- working in groups to develop draft visions.
Any questions arising from day 1 were shared with CleanCo's team, so that responses could be provided to the group in the closed forum before the next workshop.
The second workshop was held on 10 June 2023. This workshop involved a lot of group activities to understand the possibilities for the site. In groups, panellists were asked to:
- share their specific ideas for the educational facilities, recreational amenity, and other possible uses for the masterplan
- define 'community benefit'
- develop a draft masterplan to share with the wider group.
The day also included a Q&A session with expert advisors, with a focus on opportunities and constraints.
Year 8 students from RVSSC gave presentations about their ideas. The students from the College's Ignite academic program had been studying the Swanbank site during the term and developing their own responses to the remit.
At the final workshop, a draft masterplan combining the ideas the groups had developed, was presented to the panel for discussion. The overall response to this draft masterplan was very positive.
Working in groups, the panel reviewed the draft and identified any changes they would like to see.
CleanCo's team also gave a presentation about the clean energy options being considered for the Swanbank site. The presentation covered the pros and cons of the various options. Panellists had the chance to ask questions and rank their crietria for future energy options.
After lunch the panel broke into groups to collaborate on a report to document the co-design process and finalise a draft vision for the site.
The group presented the draft masterplan to CleanCo Director, Allison Warburton, and GM Strategy and Development, Julie Whitcombe. The day concluded with a celebration cake.
The outputs - a draft vision and masterplan for Swanbank
After meeting for 3 full day workshops, the panel presented the draft vision, masterplan and their report to CleanCo Board representative, Allison Warburton and General Manager -Strategy and Development, Julie Whitcombe.

CleanCo's Allison Warburton and Julie Whitcombe cut a cake to celebrate the completion of the co-design process
A visual depiction of 3 sessions with the Community Panel
Illustrations by Alex Wisman