A clean energy future crafted in Queensland

Queensland has abundant resources that will increasingly provide a global competitive advantage, with the potential to catalyse a sustainable and prosperous future for all of Queensland’s regions and people.

CleanCo was created with Queensland’s most flexible low-emission generation assets to put downward pressure on electricity prices, integrate renewables while preserving reliability, and support the transition to clean energy in a way that drives regional growth and jobs.

Our activities will contribute to the achievement of Queensland’s 70% renewable energy target by 2032.

CleanCo is proud to play a significant role in Queensland’s clean energy future and supports the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.

Learn more about CleanCo.

Creating a masterplan

In 2023, CleanCo consulted widely with the Ipswich community to seek ideas and input about the development of the Swanbank Clean Energy Hub. Our 3-phase engagement program comprised:

  • phase 1 - informing the community about the project to develop a Clean Energy Hub at Swanbank, seeking ideas, memories and priorities from residents through face-to-face and online tools;
  • phase 2 - forming a panel of 30 Ipswich residents to codesign a masterplan for the site over 3 full day workshops;
  • phase 3 - sharing the masterplan with the Ipswich community to determine the level of support and make any adjustments needed in response to community feedback.

In December 2023, the CleanCo Board endorsed the masterplan. In 2024, CleanCo is focused on bringing the site vision and masterplan to life - this is a long term project that will be implemented over the next 20 years.

Learn more about the engagement program below.

Masterplan in detail

Project background

Meet the team

The development of the Swanbank Clean Energy Hub masterplan is being lead by a team with extensive experience in the energy sector and in community engagement. You can email the team at info@cleancoqld.com.au

Darryl Myers

Program Manager

Gavin Peut

Future Energy Lead
Image of Natasha Shaw

Natasha Shaw

Community Performance Manager
Image of Rachel Grant

Rachel Grant

Project Communications Officer
Image of Ricardo Brotto

Ricardo Brotto

Project Delivery Manager - Civil
Image of Muhammad Ahsan

Muhammad Ahsan

Project Engineer - Electrical