
Swanbank hosts Murri Interagency meeting

6 March 2024

This month our Swanbank site was honoured to host a Murri Interagency meeting, bringing together people working in support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, families and First Nations businesses.

The monthly meetings are facilitated by Ipswich City Council as a way to build connections and capacity in agencies working across the West Moreton region.

The Clean Energy Hub project team has been working closely with members of the Ipswich First Nations community for more than 12 months to build awareness and support for the Clean Energy Hub and identify ways we can collaborate. This year CleanCo has a goal to develop a First Nations Strategic Partnership for the Swanbank site.

A number of people at the meeting were keen to bring their teams to Swanbank for site tours and further discussions. The project team looks forward to continuing these conversations!

A large group of people at a meeting