
Project Update - September 2024

26 September 2024

  • CRG holds second meeting

    The Swanbank Clean Energy Hub Community Reference Group (CRG) recently held its second meeting for 2024, providing a chance for members to learn more about proposed energy storage and generation projects at Swanbank and discuss how the CRG can support the Clean Energy Hub's development.

    CleanCo formed the CRG earlier this year to give Ipswich residents an on-going voice in the hub's development over the next decade and beyond. The CRG's final meeting for 2024 will be held in November.
  • Big battery project powering along

    Civil work for Ipswich's first big battery at CleanCo's Swanbank site is powering along, with 45 out of 69 concrete slabs poured in readiness for the delivery of the battery modules in October.

    Starting late October, five modules will be delivered to the site from the Port of Brisbane each day, from Monday to Friday.

    CleanCo is partnering with Tesla and Yurika to deliver the 250MW/500MWh battery as part of the site's transition to becoming a Clean Energy Hub.
  • Inner weir gets a refresh

    CleanCo staff recently completed work to improve the environment at the Swanbank Cooling Water Dam's inner weir following inspection works.

    The team took action to improve the local biodiversity, removing invasive weed species, cleaning the contour of the bank and stabilising the bank with the use of native sedges and rushes. The work has improved sediment and erosion control while contributing to local biodiversity by reintroducing endemic species.

  • ​Connecting with our First Nations community

    In September CleanCo invited members of Ipswich’s First Nations community to a lunch by Swanbank Lake, providing an informal setting to yarn about the Clean Energy Hub and the site in general.

    For the more than two years we have been developing relationships with our First Nations community, recognising that this is a long-term process.

    At the lunch, it was wonderful to see genuine connections being renewed and new connections formed.